Killester College Unit 1&2 Visual Communication Design Kit

PLEASE NOTE: In the Notes to Supplier at Check Out, please put the name of the student for whom the kit is for.

SKU: N/A Category:


Please note: Amongst your selections you are required to have a set of 24 coloured pencils that are suitable for exam purposes. The three sets of coloured pencils offered on the kit list, the Derwent Artist Set of 24, the Polychromos Set of 24 and the Expression Coloured Pencils Set of 24 have been considered acceptable for this purpose. The Expression Coloured Pencils offer a cheaper solution to the Derwent Artist and the Polychromos Pencils. You are only required to have one set of coloured pencils. You may like to select a COMPLETE KIT. Please be advised that this selection contains the Polychromos Coloured Pencils.