Art Prism Student Oil Colours


Art Prism oils have 25 colours graded above the usual student ranges in quality and below Art Spectrum Artists range of oil colours. The usual mediums can be mixed with high grade Art student oil colours. Great value for school use as they are available in 40ml tubes or  large 150ml tubes.

Colours available – lemon yellow,  cad yellow hue, cad yellow deep hue, cad orange hue, cad Red deep hue, cad red hue, alizarin crimson, magenta, diox purple,  french ultramarine, cobalt blue hue, cerulean blue hue,  phthalo blue, viridian, sap green, naples yellow,  yellow ochre, raw sienna, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber, flesh tint, paynes grey, ivory black and titanium white.